Thursday, August 30, 2012


Sorry I haven't updated for a while. It has been a busy week. I was able to spend all day Tuesday with Sam. It was quite a day. She had assessments by occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy, and the doctor did his own assessment as well. It was a busy, hard day. One of the worst parts of the day is when she takes her medications. Her throat has some inflammation and it is still really sore. So, they give her liquid meds, but they taste terrible. I think it also makes her anxious to take meds because she is worried she is going to choke. It is terrible, but I know it will get better. After physical therapy she just cried and said, "It is just so hard." It broke my heart. They also put her into a wheelchair for the first time this day. I think that it was emotionally hard for her. She only stayed in it for a few minutes and then wanted to get out.
She had a rough night that night, but since then has been doing much better. Yesterday and today have been really good. She is SO busy! She gets a schedule every day and has therapy from 8am until 4 pm with an hour break for lunch. Today she was mostly in the gym for her therapy. She was in the wheelchair most of the day and my mom said she even drove it a little bit (they have an attachment on the joystick that she is able to control).
Her attitude continues to be amazing. My mom said she woke up about 5:30 this morning and just wanted to chat. She was laughing and joking with my mom. She was singing along to a song on CMT and her voice was raspy and she said, "Geez, I can't even sing good!" and then laughed at herself.  It is so amazing to me that she can be in such a difficult position, but is still able to laugh and be kind. She really is so amazingly strong. When I got here today she was exhausted from therapy, but was still happy and so cute with my boys. She is so great.
We are really happy to be at the U. She has amazing people caring for her. Dr. Rosenbluth is her doctor and he is amazing. He is so positive and kind and encouraging. Her main physical therapist is Aaron and he is great. He is so confident and competent in his job. Sam really loves him and I think that makes her want to work harder. Everyone has been really great and we are so thankful to be where she is receiving the best possible care.
Thank you again for all of your love and support. My mom and I were talking about how amazing everyone has been. My mom said, "How can I ever repay everyone? I just want to rent a billboard and put a huge THANK YOU on it." Obviously we can never repay all of you, but please know all you are doing is not going unnoticed. We can't even talk about it without crying. We are so blessed to be surrounded by such a huge group of loving friends and family.
Please continue to keep Sam in your prayers-especially that she can continue to have a good attitude and that her throat can heal so she can eat more and take her meds more easily. Thanks again! Love you all!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A night at the U

I got back to Sams room just as they were fitting a wheelchair to her. She was worked over pretty good by the physical therapist.  They wanted to take her down to the gym but, she was just totally exhausted.  They put her back into bed so she could visit with family.  Mariah and the boys had visited most of the day and Alex visited later during the night. Sam was in pretty good spirits but was just really tired. I stayed with Sam last night in her room and Jill slept at the apartment. The night was kinda rough. Sam feels there is something stuck in her throat and could not get it to come out or dislodge, even with help from the respiratory therapist. I will talk with the MD today and see if they can scope her throat.  Please remember Sam in your prayers.

Saturday, August 25, 2012


I was able to spend last night with Sam. Around bedtime she had a visit from her good friend Megan. She is so blessed to have good friends. She just lights up when her friends are here. After Megan left she was in a great mood! We stayed up and talked and laughed and watched Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. 
Her night was okay. Her night was okay. They want her to wear the bipap when she sleeps, but it is really uncomfortable and the respiratory therapist was having a hard time getting the fit right. 
This afternoon Kellsi and Kaitlin brought a bunch of cards. Kaitlin opened one and Sam told her that she wanted to read it herself. She reached for the card and almost grabbed it, but was unable to do it. We were so excited with how well she moved her arms and hands, but she just started to cry. She was so frustrated. Then she said, "I just want my legs. I just want my legs." It was one the hardest things to witness. She has been so strong and positive. This was really her first break down. I hate watching her go through this, but I know she has so many things going for her. She will be okay, but she definitely has a long, hard road ahead of her. It was so sad.
She is in much better spirits tonight! She had a visit from her friend Maddi and that always makes her happy. She went outside twice today and did really well with her physical therapy. She even asked for therapy today. Just now Jordan was touching on her legs and she felt it. She could feel really well on her right leg and could even tell he was touching her with his thumb. Her left leg is not quite as good. She can feel pressure, but can't localize. She really is doing so well. 
She is going to move to the University of Utah rehab on Monday. She is a little nervous to go, but I think it will be good for her to get started on rehab. 
Thanks again for all of the love, support, and prayers. We are so grateful to know that so many people are in Sam's corner! Everyone at the hospital knows who she is. When her friends came last night the security guard knew who she was and said to tell her he was thinking of her. She is definitely making a difference in so many people's lives. 
I can't believe how much my testimony has grown in 11 days. I am so thankful for the knowledge I have of my Savior. He truly loves us and is aware of our needs. I continue to be amazed at the miracles we witness everyday.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Shake it for Sam!

Shake it for Sam!

Date: Thursday September 6, 2012

Time: 7:30-8:30

Place: Juab High School 802 North 650 East Nephi

What: It's a benefit BLACK LIGHT ZUMBA party & all admissions/donations will be given to

the Sam Guillory family to go towards her medical expenses. This is an event for ANYONE

and EVERYONE to enjoy and for a GOOD CAUSE!!! Instructors Marci Rasch & Josalyn 

Blackett will be SHAKIN' IT UP, so come join the FUN! There will be some fun drawings too!

Good Days

Sam has had a couple of really good days. Her pain is finally under control and she is using a lot less pain medication. My mom said the last two days have been so good. She got a visit from the Spanish Fork softball team last night and it made her day! They brought her a blanket and the jersey she wore when playing for them this summer. I am happy they came to brighten her day!
They decided to wait over the weekend and transfer her to the U of U on Monday. We are excited to get her there, but it might be nice for her to have a couple days of rest before the really hard work starts! She is moving her arms really well and as more feeling in her thighs. She still has an amazing attitude and is just so positive.
I had to work so I haven't seen her in a few days. I am going down to spend the night with her and I am excited to see her. Just being around her strengthens me.
My mom wanted me to again thank everyone for their amazing generosity. She cries when I tell her who has donated money and every time she tells me about someone doing something kind for our family. We are so fortunate to have such a wonderful support system. Thanks again!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Another Prayer Answered

My mom wanted me to share this story from last night. Sam was in pain and asked the nurse for some pain medication. She took the pills and they both felt like they got stuck in her throat. She was panicked because she could not get them to come up or go down. She tried drinking and eating and everything to get it down. The nurse left for a moment. Right when she closed the door my mom said a prayer and immediately the pills went down. Sam immediately felt comfortable and quickly fell asleep and had a great night. So many prayers have been answered in so many ways. It is so comforting to know that our Father in Heaven is aware of even something small like this. He has been with Sam throughout this ordeal and I know that he will continue to be by her side. We are so thankful for the power of prayer.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

U of U Rehab

Sam was evaluated by someone from the University of Utah rehab unit today. My mom said they were amazing! She said the lady who visited was so fantastic. She was so positive and honest with Sam. She told her that it would be hard and there would be terrible days, but that they were going to help her and that she could make amazing progress. She said that it will be like a full time job. She will be out of her room all day until four, working and doing therapy. She said that Sam will make be with other patients and will become friends with the people she is working with. There is an entire team for neuro rehab and she said that the work is the main doctor's passion. My mom and Sam both loved her. It made my mom really excited for Sam to get started.  I know she will be amazing in rehab. She is an athlete and knows how to work hard to get better. I can't wait for her to get started!
She will probably be transferred sometime this week. Medically she is doing really well. She hasn't been on oxygen all day and her other vital signs are completely stable. She still has a lot of pain at times, but that will still be a problem for a while and won't prevent her from going to rehab.
So many miracles are happening for my amazing sister. I am so happy she is progressing and getting ready to move to the next level of care. Thanks again to everyone for their love and support. Your kindness and generosity is truly being appreciated. We are overwhelmed with how kind people have been. Thanks and we love you all!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Sam was a little down earlier this morning but both the MD and I thought it would be nice for her to  a few visitors.  The MD stopped visitors for a few days because he could see Sam concentrating too much on them and not on herself. Her spirits picked up quite a bit with a couple friends. She ate some orange chicken from Panda and had a watermelon slushie from Sonic.  Her friends helped update her facebook.  Part of her therapy today was going outside.  The therapist put her in an adjustable chair and wheeled her outside. I don't think she wanted to go but was glad she did.  Her neck pain has been better controlled today. They have had her in the stiff neck brace.  She will be really glad to get that off in a couple of months. Its almost 8pm and she is resting comfortably.  On a personal note if it weren't for the prayers and support of  many friends and family, this time in our life would be overwhelming.  Although Sam has made progress I hope all of you would continue to ask Heavenly Father for continued blessings in her behalf. I would also request prayers in behalf of all the other patients that need those blessings.  Thank you, Bob (dad)


Sam had a good day yesterday. She was really worn out from her physical therapy and slept a lot of the day. Late in the day she mentioned to Jordan that she moved her feet! We all freaked out! My dad couldn't believe that she didn't tell us. She said she was just tired and forgot. But, during physical therapy they were pushing her legs to her chest. They told her to push her feet down and she did it! She couldn't totally feel it, but the therapist told her to keep going because she really was doing it on her own! She also was able to feel when they touched her legs. The left leg she felt every time they touched her. Her right leg wasn't quite as good, but she could feel most of the touch on that leg. She isn't quite able to localize the touch, but we are just so happy that she has any feeling at all.
Medically speaking Sam is doing a lot better. The first few days she was on a levophed drip so her blood pressure did not stay too low. She is off that drip and her blood pressure has been really good. Her lungs are also doing a lot better. She didn't have any oxygen on at all during physical therapy. Later in the day she was on just a little bit and at night they are still having her wear the bipap, but overall her lungs are a lot better.
My mom wanted me to share this story. A few months ago my mom, Kellsi, and Sam were in my mom's bathroom getting ready. As they all stood there Sam noticed how much bigger her neck was and said, "Why is my neck so huge compared to yours?" They just laughed about it. Well, last night Sam told my mom, "Now I know why my neck is so big. It had to be big to protect my spine." It is pretty remarkable that her cord was not severed at all and she is probably right that her big, strong neck did protect it.
The nurse let me take the boys in to see Sam. I had set up Skype and told my mom to see if Sam was ready to see the boys on Skype. She told my mom she just really wished she could see them. So, my mom asked the nurse and he said it would be okay for a few minutes. So, I took them in. I think she loved seeing them and Jackson was SO happy to see her! It was just a short visit, but it was really good for them to see each other.
Sam will probably be leaving the ICU and going to rehab sometime this week. She will likely be moving to the University of Utah rehab. This definitely isn't as convenient for my parents, but the physical therapist said it really is the best rehab and we think that is where my parents insurance will cover. I think she will do so well in rehab. She is such a hard worker and I think it will help her to really start progressing physically.
Sam seems a little bit down yesterday and today. I can't imagine what she is going through emotionally. She is pretty hesitant to talk about things with us so I told my dad to get the social worker in to visit with her. Please continue to keep her in your prayers-for both of her emotional and physical health.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Sam's Room

The night of the accident I could not sleep and I started to read my scriptures. I just opened them randomly to Moroni chapter 7. The entire chapter is wonderful, but verse 22 really hit me- "For behold, God knowing all thing, being from everlasting to everlasting, behold, he sent angels to minister unto the children of men, to make manifest concerning the coming of Christ; and in Christ there should come every good thing." The spirit let me know that angels were indeed with Samantha. I truly believe this. The feeling in her hospital room is so sacred. There is an obvious difference when going from the hallway into her room. She is truly being watched over and protected. Her stake president came to visit and when he left he hugged me and said, "There are good things happening in that room." I think what makes it possible for the spirit to be so strong is Sam. She is so good. She is not angry or bitter. She told my mom she was a little bit sad, but definitely not mad. How amazing is she. I always knew Sam was great, but I did not realize how truly strong her spirit is. I am so thankful that she is allowing the spirit to comfort and strengthen her so we can all feel it as well. I am so thankful for a loving and caring Heavenly Father who is helping all of us through this.

My Point of View

*This is really long and kind of a journal post so I can remember the first few days. There is kind of a lot of detail, so you don't have to read if you don't want to :)*

I thought I would share the story from my point of view to start out and then keep on going with the updates. Tuesday night I was watching TV with Jackson and Alex when I got the call from my mom. I immediately knew something was wrong because my mom was crying. All she said was, "Samantha was in an accident." I wasn't even sure if she was alive for a few moments until my mom was able to compose herself enough to say she was alive. At this point we had no idea what had happened or what type of injuries she had sustained. My mom had called Sam's phone and one of the other girls answered. My mom heard Sam in the background saying, "I can't feel my legs! Am I paralyzed?" I was so freaked out. I wanted to immediately leave for Nephi, but I decided to wait to see what was going on. 
About an hour later I got a call from my mom saying that they were life flighting Sam to Utah Valley. At this point things didn't sound too bad. I talked to Jordan on the phone and then tried to go to sleep. I was so anxious, but I was able to sleep for about an hour. Then, Jordan texted me and said to call him right away. I called Jordan and he was sobbing. The neurosurgeon had just told my family that Samantha would probably never walk again. I was so heartbroken. I cried and cried. I couldn't breathe and my heart was racing. I kept trying to sleep, but I just could not. My heart literally hurt and I was just so terrified for my little sister. That was definitely the worst night of my life.
Finally the night ended and I quickly got ready to go to Provo. I was in charge of a baby shower that night and I felt so bad about not having everything ready. I got as much ready as I could and then headed to Utah Valley. I cried for a lot of the drive. I would be okay for a second and then it would hit me again full force. I don't think I have ever prayed harder. I tried to compose myself as I walked to the Surgery waiting room. But, when I saw my mom I lost it. I was so scared and sad and anxious. Sam was about half way through surgery when I arrived. Two nurses came to show us what had been done so far. I went with my dad to see the x-rays. She had fractured C6 and C7, two vertebrae in her neck. They surgeon fused together C5, 6, and 7. After talking to the nurses I took my boys to Jordan and Cindy's apartment. Cindy was so amazing and watched my boys all day so I could be at the hospital. I appreciated it so much. 
When I got back to the hospital the surgeon was talking to my family. He said that while the surgery went well things did not look good. He said that the only function she currently had was bicep flexion and wrist flexion. We were devastated. Waiting to see her was one of the hardest times ever. It made me physically ill to think of Sam being unable to walk or use her hands. Many, many tears were shed. My sweet cousin Heather sat by me and rubbed my back and cried with me. 
Finally Sam came back from surgery. I did not want to be a mess when I saw her and I physically had to force myself not to cry. It was so good to see her. She was pretty exhausted, but so kind and sweet. She had many visitors throughout the day. She was kind and welcoming to each one. I was amazed at how she could be so positive and upbeat, considering what she had just been through. That night I stayed over with Sam in the hospital. I loved just being able to sit with her-I was just so thankful she was alive.I told her how amazed I was with her. I said, "You could be so grumpy and mean to everyone and you are not. You are so nice!" I asked her if she felt grumpy and she said, "Just a little." She amazes me. The nurse was fabulous and took great care of her. Every two hours they would reposition her and do a neuro check. I think I cried every time they touched her legs and she said she couldn't feel it. It was a hard night, but Sam was able to sleep pretty well. 
The next morning I stayed until around 10 and then went to take a short nap. After I napped I got to spend more time with her. I had been such a mess the previous day and I really wanted to be strong for my family and for Sam. I prayed and prayed that I could keep myself more composed. I have never felt prayers so strongly as I did this day. I felt such peace. My prayers were most definitely answered. We had so many friends and family visit this day. It was so wonderful to feel their love and support and to be able to hug them and cry with them. That night I had to go home because I had work the next two days.
Going to work was so hard. I missed Sam and hated not being nearby for immediate updates. But, I love my  job and coworkers and it was nice to be distracted a little bit. Friday night Sam had a rough night. I called my Aunt Connie to check on Sam and was able to talk to the nurse. Sam's oxygen saturation had dropped to the 70s and they had to put her on bipap. The bipap helps her breathe and helps her get oxygen to all parts of her lung. After she was on this she was able to sleep comfortably again. It was hard being away when she was having a hard time.Thankfully, I had confidence in her great nurse (it was the same as the night before when I was there) to give her good care. 
I worked Friday and Saturday night and then went to sacrament meeting. I was able to talk to my friend Tracy, my friend Amber, and a couple of my amazing young women. They were so comforting and let me just get it all out. Then, I took a nap and then headed back to Provo to spend time with Sam.
Seeing Sam after two days was fantastic! She looked so good! She was able to stay awake and have an actual conversation. First it was Sam, my dad, Maddie, and me in the room. She was just her normal self-laughing, being sarcastic, and making fun of my dad. It felt so good to see her in such good spirits. After a while Jordan and Cindy joined the party. It really was so wonderful. I loved seeing her be so positive and in less pain. It was definitely a good night.
That pretty much catches you up to right now!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

a quick update in pictures.

sam is having a better day today.
she was smiling for all the pictures we took of her :)
keep the prayers coming,
every day she is getting a little stronger & stronger.


Let me tell you about miracles. If you don’t believe in them then let me try and convince you how real they are. I saw a picture today of the car that my sister and her friends crashed in and I can assure you, Samantha being alive is a miracle. The depth that the roof caved in would have decapitated almost anyone, and Samantha is here without a slight hint of brain damage. A 30 year neurosurgeon told us that Samantha’s spinal cord was certainly severed because of the massive trauma from the crash, and the MRI showed that NONE of the cord was severed though it still suffered some trauma.  I saw Samantha, a girl that only days before was told she would be virtually a quadrapalegic, reach out to her dad as he came to see her today. All of this I have seen in only a few days time. Today, to top it off, I saw Samantha sit up for almost 15 min and smile the most beautiful smile I have ever seen cross her face. If you don’t believe in miracles I assure you that one visit to Samantha’s angel filled room will erase all doubt from your mind. There are angels here. I know it for a certainty.

It has been a wonderful day. I had the opportunity to stay with Samantha last night and spend time with her. No time during my stay did I not feel at peace or not at ease. She breathed easily, she drank all of the nasty protein drinks I gave her, and she talked to me easily. She scared me for a second when she squeaked, but told me she just had a bad dream and couldn’t even remember it. At around 3 in the morning she kept trying to tell me something and I couldn’t understand. I took her mask of for a second and she said, “Please scratch my eyebrow. It itches so much.” I ended up scratching it a couple more times today. It brings a smile to my face thinking about it.

We had sacrament today with an older couple who are members of the LDS church that work in the hospital to bring people the sacrament. It was so spiritual. Perhaps the most spiritual sacrament meeting I have ever been in. Last night Samantha had me read to her from the Book of Mormon, and after 1 chapter I thought she would want me to stop. She told me to keep reading. After the second, she told me to keep reading even though she might fall asleep. I did so, and she struggled to stay awake to hear it all. She fell asleep 4 verses from the end.

I thank my Heavenly Father that she is such an amazing young woman and that she doesn’t blame God for anything. She has so much faith, and courage, and loyalty to her Father in Heaven it just blows me away. Bitterness seems to creep in to so many circumstances like these, but Samantha doesn’t have a bitter bone in her body. She is the perfect example, and she teaches everyone around her what true bravery really is.

She has been eating better today and actually finished half of a grilled cheese, and she has two boosts down already. She has been very talkative and funny, like always J

Samantha was sitting in the front right of the car. If you can't tell, her spot was almost completely smashed in.
This was Sam during her physical therapy session.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

She's Got the Feelin!

If you’ve read Samantha’s story then you can imagine the roller coaster ride that everyone has been through in the past few days. My name is Jordan, and I am her older (and only) brother. I had the opportunity to be at the hospital the moment Samantha was brought in by life flight, and Cindy (my wife) and I walked with her into the hospital and talked with her the whole way. It was the hardest day of my life, as well as for my family. There were a lot of fears for our Samantha, and all we could do was pray for everything to work out okay.

Thankfully, things have been going well considering the situation she’s in. She is the fighter of the family, and I don’t know of anyone stronger than her. She keeps improving daily and in some way lifts all of us when she is the one who is down. Every day she makes me, and everyone that visits, laugh about something. I keep hoping to bump into a “Tim” at the hospital who apparently Samantha thinks is hot stuff. She is an amazing young woman.

So to give an update about what is going down:

Samantha had a little trouble breathing last night and had a bipap (oxygen mask) placed over her mouth. She can breath on her own, this just opens her lungs a little bit more for her so she can relax about trying to breath deeply all of the time and get more oxygen in her. Her swelling has been going down and her black eye (aka LSU eye) looks much better.

She made my day again today when she did her exercises. I was out of the room talking to Grandma Guillory and when I got back Cindy told me she had done some exercises with her arms and that she was doing really well. The part that made me most excited was that when they were checking for feeling she has some in her feet and toes. These little steps give us so much hope. We know that she has a lot of work ahead of her, but according to her schedule she’s gonna do everything she wants as quickly as she wants to do it. She is awesome. Period.

Sam gave me permission to post this pic because she looks like bane with her mask on:
We love Samantha!