Monday, December 10, 2012


Sorry its been a while since last post. Life can be so busy. Sam is Sam. We have been taking her all over with her friends so she can have her life as normal as possible. She is taking full advantage of our hospitality. We would have it no other way.  Sam continues to have little miracles happening almost every week. Her left hand is moving more and she told me the feeling in her little finger on the left hand is returning. She also told us she can feel down to her hips. She thought she pulled a muscle. The UofU checked her out and gave her a clean bill of health.  Still no leg movement but during a shower she told me she can feel the pressure of the water on her feet. Sam has been amazing. I can tell when she is fighting not to be in a bad mood. We talk to her a lot about attitude being a big factor in recovery. She is such a strong girl. Oh! the pain in her neck is almost completely gone. She can articulate her head pretty well. She moves around in bed during the night too. Being able to move around helps her skin stay healthy.  She doesn't let us watch in therapy much but when I do sneak a look they have her doing all sorts of things. I told her to hurry up and transfer herself so my back will last a few more years. Sam has transferred herself to bed-chair, chair-bed a few times but needs to be stronger so we don't have to be there with her. Is she doing great or what!  A couple weeks ago our area 70, Elder Leavitt visited Sam after speaking in our ward.  Our former stake president came with him.  The feeling in the house felt so warm.  I believe we usually have a good feeling in our home but this was extra special.  He spoke with Sam, he cried with Sam.  He genuinely wanted to get to know Sam.  Of course its Sam and he had to extract every ounce of information from her. Sam is very private but was very gracious with him. He is attempting to have her correspond with her weekly.  Having the priesthood bless our home and daughter is tremendous. My best birthday gift was Sam's kiss on my cheek today.  Those don't come very often, but I got one. Our community keeps amazing us all the time. We are so lucky to live where we do.  We may be having some company for a while. Sam asked us to offer our home to a young man who is going through therapy with her. He was ejected from a vehicle and broke his 5-6 cervical.  She told us he had to be at the U.  He is starting to move his hands and knows his best shot at rehab is the U. Of course we could not hold the offer back. We gave his dad the offer and he is going to talk with his wife.  They live in St George and it would help them out a lot.  Thanks for the prayers, keep them coming. Love you all.