Friday, September 14, 2012

One Month

It has been one month today since the accident. It is amazing to me how one instant can change a life forever. I have experienced so many things in the last month that I never knew I could or would. It still seems so fresh that I truly cannot believe it has been an entire month. Our family has been through an unimaginably difficult time, but we have been so extremely blessed. Our relationships with each other have been strengthened. I already loved my family so much, but that love has just grown. We have learned to rely more fully on our Heavenly Father. I have never prayed so much and felt my prayers answered as I have this past month. I have never felt others prayers as I have this month. My mom and I talked about how we literally feel a cocoon of warmth and strength and we know this is directly from the prayers of others given in our behalf. I have learned so much from my amazing sister, Sam. I knew she was a great person, but I had no idea how much strength-physical, emotional, and spiritual-she really had. She continues to amaze me with her positive outlook. She is not angry or bitter and just wants to work hard to get better. My mom said the other morning she was getting mad because the nurses hadn't come to get her ready for the day. "I have to be ready before 9 so I can start therapy on time!" she said. She really is so committed. I am so thankful to her for making this entire experience so much easier on all of us. My mom told me that she feels like she is forever changed from this experience and I completely agree. I have been changed and I have learned so much.
We have been so grateful for all of the love and support given to our family. We are overwhelmed with all that has been done. We are truly blessed to have the support of such a wonderful community-you have all made our burden lighter.
Now, for an update on Sam. She is doing really well. Dr. Rosenbluth told my dad the other day that he is so happy with the progress she has made. He said others in her same situation are generally not doing as much as she is. The other day she scratched her nose by herself and Dr. Rosenbluth said, "Next she'll be picking it!"  Her arm movement is greatly improving and her triceps are getting stronger. With the help of some aids she is able to use her iPad and she even wrote her name yesterday! She got her new iPhone and she is so excited to start learning how to use it. She has some sensation in her legs, but still no voluntary movement. Her throat is feeling so much better and she has been able to eat more this last week. The progress is so slow with this type of injury, but when I compare her movement to one month ago she has come so far!
It is homecoming week in Nephi and Sam was voted Homecoming Queen! We are excited, but she is embarrassed. Sam never likes to be the center of attention, but I know she is still appreciative of people thinking of her. Some of her friends are going to come up the night of the dance and have a party with her. Speaking of friends, we are so thankful for Sam's friends. She loves them so much and they have been so supportive. She is so happy when her friends come to visit-it really makes her whole day.
Please continue to keep the prayers coming! She still has so far to go, but she can do it!


  1. This post gave me chills up and down my entire body! Your family is absolutely amazing and so incredibly strong. I love you all so much and continue to pray for Sam each day.

    The strength of family is so amazing to me. My family was very close before Trevor passed away but the way it has changed us is indescribable and I can 100% relate to the closeness and camradarie you are feeling.

  2. I also wanted to share with your family that tomorrow I will be running 26.2 miles for Sam. I always run for Trevor but tomorrow I am also running for Sam. Trevor's name will be written in sharpie on my right hand and Sam's will be on my left. I never want to take the fact that my body allows me to run for granted and will dedicate the final miles of the race to Sam.
