Monday, November 5, 2012

Back home again

We've been home a little more than a week.  Sure was nice to sleep in my own bed and eat a home cooked meal. Sam has been doing great.  I think not having someone come into your room at all hours of the night helps you to sleep better. We had a few days without therapy but now we're taking Sam on Mondays and Fridays to Mountain View Hospital where I work.  The therapist is awesome and is really excited to work with Sam.  The other three days during the week are spent at the Uof U in outpatient therapy. They haven't cut her any slack.  I love it when they work her hard and are excited about the progress they see. They were so amazed Sam was doing her own makeup.  Sam's friends have continued to be great but, I'm not liking traveling around with them so I can transfer Sam in and out of the truck. I guess I will call it additional therapy if its doing her good.  Sam's ramp in the front of the house has a new rail around it courtesy of Horizon Metals in Nephi.  A couple fine young gentlemen did the work and Horizon paid for the parts.  Everyone has been so gracious helping our Sam.  We thank all of you from the bottom of our hearts.

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