Sunday, December 15, 2013
Sorry its been so long since our last post. Sam continues to be busy with therapy four days a week. She is doing so well when transferring from her wheelchair. Vocational Rehab is going to do a couple things for Sam. They are going to install an electric rotating chair in a newer car we just purchased. They will also help Sam go to college. We are going to start her with a couple of online courses at first. Sam's hip had been hurting her so we had xrays and a CT scan done and all was well. The therapists have really been working the hip and she is about ready to start walking on Lokomat again. Sam will do the Baclofen trial for her spasms after the holidays. This will also help the therapist know in what direction would be best to take Sam in her recovery. We appreciate all of her friends that continue to come and visit Sam. It makes her day and she likes to keep up with what her friends are doing at college. We had 48 people for Thanksgiving! If you know Sam she was gracious when so many came to visit but was ready to be alone as soon as she could. Her Uncle Tom and his family drove up from Louisiana and spent Thanksgiving week with us. We had a great visit and my brother told me how much he enjoyed visiting with Sam. It was hard to see them leave. So many people in Louisiana are doing prayer list for Sam and everyone else we tell them needs help. What great friends and family we have! Please continue to keep all those like Sam or anyone who is suffering in your prayers and thoughts. Prayer works.
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Good Report
Hello all! It continues to be busy around our house. For insurance reasons we had to take Sam up to the UofU to the doctor that treated her while inpatient. Sam was pretty nervous about the meeting. It was made worse by the staff telling her that she would have to see a doctor who works with Dr. Rosenbleuth. The last time she saw Sam it did not end up good for this doc. Jill kindly told them about that experience and the contacted Dr. Rosenbleuth. I was ready to light a fire under someone. I made the appointment and if I wanted Sam to see this person I would have said so. All worked out. Dr. Rosenbleuth was so good to Sam. They talked for about 45 minutes then he assessed her functioning. He couldn't believe how strong she was. He was impressed at how far along she has progressed and his words were very encouraging. Sam was in a much better mood after it was all over. Sam continues to work with Neuroworx four days a week. Progress is slow but all involved think there is much more to happen. Dr. Rosenbleuth also told us about a breakthrough for spasms. Most spinal cord injury patients have spasms. The nerve impulses are trying to find the right path but are sent elsewhere. I will bring Sam up for a trial with this new procedure when its available. Hopefully that will decrease her spasms and make her life a little more enjoyable. Sam has been busy with friends. She recently went to the Imagine Dragons concert and had an extremely good time. I had to listen to her and her friend sing all the songs they just heard. Thanks for all the prayers and visits we really do appreciate all of them.
Saturday, September 14, 2013
More Work!
Hello All! Its been very busy lately. Samantha's physical therapist went to a conference held by the people that provide the walking device called the LokoMat. She told us every reason they gave for having a patient use the trainer was specific to Sam. She said I kept saying to myself, that's Sam. So when she got back she talked with us and Sam. She wants to walk her with the LokoMat and with the therapist all four days we go and keep her longer for all the other training she wants her to complete. She told us she wants her to do it for three months then she will reevaluate her. Sam agreed and so did we. Sam has been awesome but tired when we get home. Neuroworx is having a new building constructed next to the workmans compensation building across from Jordan High School. WCF is putting up the front money and the land adjacent to their building. This will triple the size of the area that patients can be treated. I am so thankful for Dr. Dale and Jan Black for starting this fine center. It has truly changed many lives. Last night Sam and I went to a donation dinner at the WCF building. A new video showing some of the current patients and brief interview. If I can get a copy I will. It was great and Sam looked good during her interview. Those donating are truly awesome. There are many but some names I remember or Sorenson, Mannsell, and Miller. The MC that night broke his neck at the C2 level. Most people do not live with that break. I could not even tell he had been in an accident. He looked completely normal and did an amazing job. The stories were great and gave me so much hope for my Sam. Sam is strong and continues to be focused. Thanks again to everyone who thinks and prays for Sam. Love you!
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
One Year
I have
had so many mixed emotions as this year mark has gotten closer. At times it has
flown by and at others it seems like it was ages ago. I remember so many
details from the night of the accident. It still makes my heart race when I
think of that night. Uncertainty, fear, and panic were the primary emotions and
I can still feel the way I did when it happened. Although it is still so
painful-I literally still get emotional about it every day-it has gotten
better. I can only really speak to my own experience, but I wanted to share
some of the lessons I have learned. I am not quite to the point of being
thankful for this trial, but I am grateful for the things I have learned.
quickly after the accident we began noticing so many miracles. I truly know
that miracles happen. There are so many things I could list considering the
entire last year. From major things-Sam survived the accident and her spinal
cord was not severed-to smaller things-opening to the perfect scripture for the
moment- we have seen the Lord’s hand over and over. Although He allows hard
things to happen, He is there to help us through it. I am so thankful for the
miracles I have been witness to this past year in Sam’s behalf.
testimony and faith in the power of prayer has increased significantly this
year. The first day after Sam’s surgery was one of the hardest. I wanted to be
supportive for my family, but I was so emotional. I prayed for strength. I felt
the power of other’s prayers in my behalf and received strength far above my
own. Many times I physically felt prayers. My mom and I discussed that we felt
like a warm blanket was constantly around us. I know it was the prayers of
others we were feeling. When I started the blog I would ask for specific
prayers to be said. Within a day we would see those prayers being answered.
Thank you so much for praying for Sam and our family. They have helped far more
than you know. Again, I have learned if we will just ask, He will help us.
I have
always believed that we are given trials we can handle, but I didn’t think too
deeply about it. I have learned that if we are willing to try He will make up
the difference and help us through it. This has not been easy on anyone in my
family, especially Sam. But, we are able to continue on because of the constant
help of Heavenly Father. I know that if we go through a trial we will not be
left alone. We will be given the resources we need to make it through.
I have
also learned that it is possible to find happiness during a trial. I was so
thankful for my boys at the beginning. They are so innocent and happy and they
truly gave us moments of happiness during the difficult days of the ICU. My mom
told me that she read somewhere that, “Happy people are happy regardless of the
circumstances.” I am thankful that we are naturally positive people. Although
it can be awful, we have been blessed with many happy moments. My mom has
commented to me that because we have felt the depths of pain and sadness our
moments of joy are even sweeter. This is so true. The smallest improvements in
Sam’s condition make me feel so happy and thankful.
One of
the greatest blessings of this trial has been the loving support of friends and
family. We have been so overwhelmed with the kindness we have been shown.
People say that you learn who your real friends are when times get tough. We have
so many amazing friends! We have been so blessed. So many of you have helped in
countless ways. At the beginning there was Zumba Night, the Fun Run, remodeling
the house and the ramp, the meals, money, and visits, and so much more. And you
continue to keep giving. Almost daily we are blessed by someone’s kindness. We
cannot thank you enough.
I am so
grateful for Sam’s friends. I don’t know if they know how much I love and
appreciate them. They have been here every step of the way. They make Sam feel
loved and included. I worried that they would stop coming over, but they never
have. When Sam is having a bad day, it just takes a visit from her friends to
turn the day around. I just want them to know I will love them forever for
being by Sam’s side this last year.
I am so
thankful for Sam’s progress. One year ago we were told she wouldn’t have use of
her hands or legs, and minimal use of her arms. She couldn’t scratch her nose
or hold a card. Today she can use her arms. Her right hand is almost normal
function and her left hand continues to improve. She is regaining sensation in
her legs and hopefully movement will come soon. She gets stronger each day and
is able to do more each day. Although progress with a spinal cord injury is
slow, we are grateful she continues to improve.
I am so
thankful for Neuroworx. They have the most amazing group of therapists. They
are making the difference in Sam’s life. They truly care for her and are doing
all they can to help her succeed. She loves therapy-her best days are spent
there. They are truly giving Sam her life back.
I have learned that Sam and my parents are the strongest people I know. My
parents have sacrificed so much and work so hard to give Sam the best care they
can. I know it is so hard for them to see Sam go through this. But, they stay
positive and hopeful. My dad is working two jobs so Sam can have the therapy
and care she needs. He never complains. My mom quit her job and takes care of
Sam full time. She goes without sleep and does everything possible to help Sam
heal. In the face of tragedy they have shown their true colors and they are
truly the best of the best.
I am so
proud to be Sam’s older sister. It is so hard for me to watch her go through
this. But, she is so amazing. I know she has bad days, but she fights to have
good ones. She works so hard at therapy. She has improved so much and continues
to make progress. She is so selfless. She worries more about her friends at
therapy than herself. She always wants to help others. Sam is very private and
does not always like to share her feelings. But, earlier this year she spoke at
my wards New Beginnings for young women. She blew me away. She has a testimony.
She is not only physically and emotionally strong, but spiritually as well. I
hate that she has to go through this, but I am so proud of the way she endures.
This year
has been trying, but I am thankful for the things I have learned. I am excited
to see what the next year brings for Sam. Thank you all so much for your loving
support and concern. It is truly appreciated.
Monday, July 1, 2013
Step it Out
This past week Sam was assessed for walking therapy! She cannot move her legs yet, but the walking therapy is intended to help the brain remember what it needs to do and establish new neuro paths from brain to legs to make it happen. Locomotor training is what they call it. One of the two people who designed the locomotor was the one who assessed her. A very polite yet intense individual. She was all work! She gave Neuroworx the go ahead with what they were doing and was pleased at what she saw. They only worked her that day for about twenty minutes, but they can keep her going for an hour at a time. It was great to see her vertically. A hoist supports her in a harness and two therapists are helping her legs and one is supporting her at the waist. The place is just amazing. The people there really love their jobs and encourage Sam at every turn. She was pretty tired after therapy. She elected to take a nap rather quickly when we got home. Thanks to our community for all the love and encouragement. Keep it going!
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Damn Yankees
Its pretty busy around our house since Sam's accident. I think we have put about 70000 miles on my truck since the accident. Sam's graduation went well. She had a few days off from therapy graduation week but was glad to get back into it. She looks forward to working out. Then one day Sam's Aunt Chris who lives just outside of Seattle called. She had spoken to her boss and asked if she could use some of the company tickets for Sam to watch the Yankees and Mariners. Her boss told her to give the family Diamond Box Seat tickets. Sam was pretty stoked hearing about the games. It made up a little for her missing Senior trek. We drove the 918 miles up to Seattle last weekend. Having great seats to a sporting event like this was terrific but when our hostess said she was taking us out on the field, you should have seen Sam's face. She stated she had died and gone to heaven. We spent an hour on the field watching batting practice then was escorted to the dining room for dinner before the game. Dinner was amazing and our seats were right in front of the Yankees on deck circle. Sam took a lot of pics of her favorite team and got a ball from Robison Cano. She slept with the ball right next to her that night. While watching the game Sam and Kaitlin were mentioning how hot the Yankee ball boy was. Sam encouraged Kaitlin to say hello but couldn't do it. Next thing you know Sam is waving at the kid and he came over and talked with them after the game. I gave him a crusty look and he knew his time was up. The next day Jill, Sam, Kaitlin, and Ashley her cousin went back the next day and watched another game. Of course Uncle Royal and Aunt Chris were superb host. We had an excellent time the whole weekend. It was great to see family we haven't seen in a while. We were pretty tired when we got home but Sam was ready for therapy the next day. She has had an awesome attitude and has been working hard. We appreciated everyone who thinks of us. I can't thank Aunt Chris and her boss enough for making my Sam's day. Keep praying for Sam and all those who are in her situation. Good things will come.
Friday, May 17, 2013
How can life fly by so quickly? It feels like we never stop! Sam is very busy with therapy, school, and softball. Juab did make it to the state tournament, so hopefully they can do well. We played Spanish Fork for out last region game. Sam threw out the first pitch. After the game the Spanish Fork team surprised Sam with a quilt made from her old t-shirts and a check for almost two thousand dollars they raised selling suckers. We had no idea. We knew about the quilt but not anything else. Sam played for Spanish Fork last summer and got to know them pretty well. They have been supporting her ever since her accident happened. The whole team showed up when she was in ICU. Every time Spanish is around at any tournament or game they come over to see Sam. What a classy team. After that last game they invited both teams to stay for a barbecue. It was nice to meet some of these great girls and their parents. I just hope they know how forever grateful we are for their support. I have missed watching Sam out on the field, but have enjoyed watching her be so loving and kind to those who show her support. Thanks Spanish Fork, Good luck at state. Sam's therapy is going great. Neuroworx has been keeping her for three hours at a time. She is getting stronger and stronger. They are confident good things are happening. They have been walking her in the extoskeleton weekly. This week Sam is in St George with her mother and sisters for State Softball. Sam is going to throw out the first pitch for the championship game. She wasn't too thrilled about having so much attention but doesn't always think about herself all the time anymore. She has done some growing up lately. Sam also graduates this week! She thought she would get a break from school afterwards but she rolled her eyes when Jill told her we needed to get her registered for some college classes. I'm hoping we can slow down a little during the summer but.....! We continue to appreciate everyone who talks with us about Sam. We would really appreciate prayers on her behalf and on behalf of all those patients at Neuroworx. Please google Neuroworx and read about this amazing place. They need our support too! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for all you do for us!
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Point for me
Therapy has been going well for Sam. She walked for the first time in the ecto-skeleton they have a Neuroworx. Everything they do is to remind your body how to fire the neurons to accomplish what you want to do. They have been keeping her upwards to three hours per workout. I love it. Sam has been getting pretty strong. Its really nice that she can roll over and reposition herself during the night. Last night when we were putting her to bed I was putting on her hand splints and I asked her if she could move her pointer finger on her left hand. She moved it pretty easily. This doesn't sound like much for you and me but for a SCI person it is great. The hand specialist at Mountain View in Payson has been working hard with her. Its so important for someone with a spinal cord injury to have their hands. I am so glad its starting to come around. A couple days ago when Jill was doing something in the room with Sam their was a cold water bottle leaning against her thigh. She asked Jill what is touching me, its cold! Can you move it. Just a couple months ago she didn't have a lot of heat/cool sensation on her skin. Slowly but surely things are getting better. Sam has been active with the softball team. We still drive her around the state for games. We appreciate all who talk with us. Thanks so much for continuing to care about us and Sam. Love to everyone.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Is It Spring Yet
Just got back from a softball tournament in St. George last weekend. Man was it great. Sunny and 83 degrees. Sam had to go down to support her team and Coach Gee needed her in the dugout. It was just Sam and me. Jill was doing something with her mother and sisters. She made me take her down to the Mall and help (pay) her get a new outfit. The team did pretty well and we both went home with sunburns. Sam has been so awesome lately. Sam is usually quiet and very private, unless she is with her group of friends. She has been so outgoing and nice, I'm waiting to see what she really wants. She spoke a couple of weeks ago in her oldest sister's (Mariah) Young Women Group meeting. It was great. I think everyone was touched by what she said. She does tell me sometimes she doesn't like to be the strong one. It has been so fun for me to be with Sam so much. We make a good team. Listening to her try to sing Taylor Swift or Imagine Dragons songs back and forth to therapy is pretty funny. Sam is still doing 5 days a week therapy and progressing well. Just watching her reposition herself in a chair or in the truck you can see improvement. She enjoys the group of patients and caregivers at Neuroworx. She isn't a morning person, but after therapy her attitude is always great. Jill took her to therapy today. Its pool day. I think she likes the pool a lot. Everyday she ends up at the ballfield helping and supporting her team. We are so blessed to have the friends and family we do. We grieve for those who are in our situation, or worse, and do not have the support we do. Please, please, please continue to pray and fast for Sam and all those who are in need physically, emotionally, or mentally. Thank you so much for talking with us and asking about Sam. I never get tired of letting everyone know about her.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Well we have officially changed from the U of U therapy department, to Neuroworx in South Jordan. I can get Sam to her appointments in 50 minutes versus 1.5 hours it used to take us. Sam was pretty surprised on the first day when they stood her up and made her bear her own weight with a walker. The patients and staff are hilarious. Dr. Hull showed Sam around the place while I filled out paperwork. Dr. Hull is a co founder and had been paralyzed from the neck down after a trampoline accident dislodged his neck. He now walks unaided, it doesn't look perfect but he is doing it. His accident happened in 1999. Neuroworx is a non-profit organization that uses grants and donations to provide therapy to anyone they can. Some insurances will only pay for 20 minutes, but at Neuroworx they work with you for as long as you need. They currently serve about 48 patients from all over. They have been in business for 8 years. We also found a hand specialist in Payson. Sam will have hand therapy an hour before her physical therapy on Mondays and Fridays. Tuesday, Weds, Thursday, will be therapy at Neuroworx. The U of U has been wonderful working with Sam but the hours we will save being on the road will help immensely. Sam's core and arm strength are increasing all the time. Being able to move herself while in bed or chair will keep her skin healthier. Her attitude has been pretty good the majority of the time. Sam is still Sam. Getting her to school three days a week has been great for her and us. Her friends are still fabulous. I know it would be a lot harder without them. We appreciate all the encouraging cards and letters Sam gets.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Progress and Blessings
The holidays were so fun, but so busy! I was terrible at keeping up the blog and I really hope to do better! Sam is doing so well. She has progressed so much in the last several weeks. Sam is now able to feel all the way down into her hips. She also has some feeling on the tops of her toes. Her core strength has increased greatly. I hadn't seen her for a few weeks and when I did at Christmas I couldn't believe how much straighter she could sit in her chair. She is also able to bend over and sit back up independently. She can even roll her self over in bed! She is gaining a lot of strength and is able to do more and more each day. A friend at work asked me how Sam was. I was giving her an update and she said, "I remember not that long ago and you were excited because she had scratched her own face. And now she is doing so much more!" She really has come so far in only a few months.
Sam finally got her own wheelchair the end of December. The wheelchair is made specifically for her body so it took a long time to get it delivered. It is really nice and I think will really allow her more independence. She continues to attend therapy at the U and in Payson. My parents are looking into a place called Neuroworx to continue her therapy. They have a lot of really specialized equipment and it seems like it could be a really good thing for Sam.
Sam's attitude continues to be great. She occasionally has a rough moment, but she really tries to get over it quickly. Her friends help with her attitude so much! They include her in everything and visit her almost every day. I am so thankful for the wonderful friends she has. I just appreciate them so much! Sam started going back to school this week. She will be going three times a week in the morning before therapy. My mom said that her first day went well. I think it will be great for her to be independent for those few hours. We are thankful to all of the school staff who are working to make things go smoothly for Sam.
We are so thankful for everyone's continued love and support. It seems that whenever there is a need then someone steps in to help. We are so blessed to have so many wonderful people in our lives.
Sam and Kaitlin got to see Justin Bieber in concert! It was so fun dropping them off and seeing how excited they were. The staff at Energy Solutions Arena were so helpful in exchanging their seats. We bought the tickets before the accident and so they were obviously not wheelchair accessible. They were actually clear up in the nose bleeds! But, they were greatly upgraded and ended up in the lower bowl on row 26!
I am so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father that continues to be with Sam continually. Every day there is some tender mercy in her behalf. Two examples come to mind that happened when I was with Sam. The day of the concert I prayed that things would go smoothly. I knew it would embarrass Sam if it was a big hassle and I just wanted her to have fun without any bumps in the road. And although kind of silly I also prayed they would get good seats. Well, everything went so easily and they got great seats. I was so happy! I know in the eternal sense the concert doesn't matter at all, but Heavenly Father blessed Sam so that she could have a fun day and have something to be excited about. Another example is from Christmas Eve. Sam had some really cute new boots to wear to our party. I was doing her hair and my mom was trying to get her boots on. She could NOT get them on. So, she had my dad try and he couldn't either. Sam was getting frustrated and I felt terrible. I said a quick prayer that they would go on. A few minutes later they went on! Again, such a simple thing, but it was important to Sam and Heavenly Father blessed her. These are two such simple examples, but she really is blessed so much continually.
Sam finally got her own wheelchair the end of December. The wheelchair is made specifically for her body so it took a long time to get it delivered. It is really nice and I think will really allow her more independence. She continues to attend therapy at the U and in Payson. My parents are looking into a place called Neuroworx to continue her therapy. They have a lot of really specialized equipment and it seems like it could be a really good thing for Sam.
Sam's attitude continues to be great. She occasionally has a rough moment, but she really tries to get over it quickly. Her friends help with her attitude so much! They include her in everything and visit her almost every day. I am so thankful for the wonderful friends she has. I just appreciate them so much! Sam started going back to school this week. She will be going three times a week in the morning before therapy. My mom said that her first day went well. I think it will be great for her to be independent for those few hours. We are thankful to all of the school staff who are working to make things go smoothly for Sam.
We are so thankful for everyone's continued love and support. It seems that whenever there is a need then someone steps in to help. We are so blessed to have so many wonderful people in our lives.
Sam and Kaitlin got to see Justin Bieber in concert! It was so fun dropping them off and seeing how excited they were. The staff at Energy Solutions Arena were so helpful in exchanging their seats. We bought the tickets before the accident and so they were obviously not wheelchair accessible. They were actually clear up in the nose bleeds! But, they were greatly upgraded and ended up in the lower bowl on row 26!
I am so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father that continues to be with Sam continually. Every day there is some tender mercy in her behalf. Two examples come to mind that happened when I was with Sam. The day of the concert I prayed that things would go smoothly. I knew it would embarrass Sam if it was a big hassle and I just wanted her to have fun without any bumps in the road. And although kind of silly I also prayed they would get good seats. Well, everything went so easily and they got great seats. I was so happy! I know in the eternal sense the concert doesn't matter at all, but Heavenly Father blessed Sam so that she could have a fun day and have something to be excited about. Another example is from Christmas Eve. Sam had some really cute new boots to wear to our party. I was doing her hair and my mom was trying to get her boots on. She could NOT get them on. So, she had my dad try and he couldn't either. Sam was getting frustrated and I felt terrible. I said a quick prayer that they would go on. A few minutes later they went on! Again, such a simple thing, but it was important to Sam and Heavenly Father blessed her. These are two such simple examples, but she really is blessed so much continually.
Monday, January 7, 2013
Happy New Years!
My how time flies at this time of year. Christmas is such a great time. All the family was home for Christmas morning. Sam scored some pretty nice stuff from Santa, Mom and Dad. Sam continues to be very active despite my attempts to circumvent her fun. She went out with her friends to dinner and to see the lights in Spanish Fork. I was called when transfers were needed. It will be wonderful when she can get in and out of a car by herself. She will have much more freedom to go with her friends without a tag-a-long. I was so happy to be working on New Years Eve. Sam had a party downstairs at our home and Kaitlin had one upstairs. Sam was happy to be down in the dungeon again. She had to check where all her stuff was just to make sure Kaitlin didn't steal anything. Sam's friends continue to be a great support. We love them very much for not forgetting Sam in their daily lives. Many late hours have been used up watching movies. Sam has recently acquired an electric recliner. It makes me happy to see her out of her bed. Just sitting in bed makes you tired. The chair supports her nicely and is better for her skin's health. A couple of days ago Sam and Kaitlin attended the Justin Beiber concert. They said it was awesome, but couldn't hear very well for a little while. The folks at Energy Solutions took good care of them. Therapy continues to go well. Other than listening to Sam sing every song on the radio for a couple hours, I don't really mind the drive. I am going to check out a new therapy place called Neuroworx. The are a group of therapist that have all the latest equipment to help Sam's rehab. They are in South Jordan so our drive would be an hour less per day. The UofU has been great but I like to keep her options open. We hope the New Year brings much joy to everyone's family. We continue to ask for your prayers in behalf of Sam and all those others struggling as she does. We love you all and pray the Lord's blessings be upon you and your families. Love ya!
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