Friday, August 15, 2014


Wow! Where did it go. The memory of Sam's accident is still so fresh in my mind, and probably always will be that way.  I can't believe the way the human body can repair itself when given the right circumstances. Two years ago yesterday I was watching my Sam lay in the hospital with a traction device bolted to her head to keep her neck straight until the surgeon could attempt to repair her neck. Now I am amazed she can get in and out of our car with little help from us. Her progress to me is awesome. I remember the morning after her neck was repaired the MD came in to check on her and he was amazed she could lift her arms and extend them. He didn't hold out much hope for her. It was great when she could finally scratch her own nose again. When we were up at the U, she would purposely wake me up through the night just to get a laugh. I remember the day the MD up at the U told therapy don't order her an electric wheelchair, she won't need it. Or the time she told me, watch what my foot dad, and she wiggled her toes for the first time. She still needs to work on her singing! Really work on her singing!  Now she continues to go to therapy, work on her college degree, attends various concerts with friends and sisters, and sometimes gives talks around Salt Lake area schools. She continues to progress little by little and we will take all that we can get. We have grown as individuals and as a family through this experience. Our family and Sam could not have gone through these two years without the prayers and support of such an awesome community.  Thank you for keeping us going when the path has gotten rocky. Thank you to the therapist and doctors who have shared there time and expertise in Sam's care. Thank you to those who leave little things that constantly remind Sam that those who know her, have not given up on her. Thanks to her friends that drop by and spend time with her. We are so grateful for what we have and ask that you remember everyone who needs support or prayers because of illness, accident, or tragedy.  Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!! Now, bring on the next two years and lets see what Sam can accomplish!!